Awareness Activities & Advertising Sector

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To work towards raising social awareness in the art, culture, education, health environment sector.

Banks, Government Department (State & Central), Private companies, Trusts, Society, any individual person or businessman is welcome. Banks, Government Department (State & Central), Private companies, Trusts, Society, any individual person or businessman is welcome. 

  • This sector of C.F.A.C has taken the initiative to increase social awareness of the public interest inthe art, culture, education, health and environment sector.

  • In addition to the C.F.A.C's activities, it is also responsible for conducting awareness programs for government and non-government departments, agencies, companies, and various trusts.

  • Organizing Child art Competitions,

  • Poster Competitions,

  • Art Fairs

  • Sculpture/Mural/Wall Painting/flex/Poster designs roadside (urban & rural area)*Art exhibitions based on awareness topics.* Seminars based on awareness topics.

  • Cultural programs and stage performances based on the awareness topic.* Dramas on open stage (based on awareness topics). Promoting the various programs on social media.

  • The advertising sector will collect donations from companies/banks/trusts and the society for various social and awareness activities which are mentioned below-

  • For children with disabilities

  • For the education of poor students

  • For the relief fund of the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister

  • For the underprviligedof the society

  • For the families of martyrs of the country

Anyone or any society/ trust/ company/ bank/ Govt. department in the concerned sector who are willing to take part in social activities, have the opportunity to join social services.

Anyone and any segment of the society.

C.F.A.C. is taking responsibility for various programs / activities from other foundations / persons / companies / trusts / banks / government departments under different terms & conditions.