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The main objective of this sector is to improve the art, artist and society by creating work opportunities through various programs.

Visual Artists (Masters, Mid-career, Emerging artist, Art students) Professional Artists (All segments), Designers (All segments), Crafts (All segments), Art- Curators, Experts, Art Teachers, Art Lovers, Art collectors, Writers, Professors from different educational fields, Architectsare welcome to join.

C.F.A.C will be responsible/available to organize various cultural programs of their own as well as to participate/conduct/host various national programs, artist developmentalprojects under the Govt. /Private ownership of India. CFAC will be presenting various schemes benefits to artists pan India.




Analysis of activities–
  • CFAC is organizing this exhibition in different parts of the country with the creative work of artists of different levels in many art forms like painting, sculpture, design, photography, installation and craft.
  • National & International level online art exhibitions being organized by CFAC and distributed to various other cultural organizations.
  • The procedure of participating in different exhibitions conducted by C.F.A.C. will be given in the news event of the C.F.A.C website.
  • C.F.A.C. will also help the artist to exhibit their artwork in different exhibitions conducted by government and private organizations other than C.F.A.C.



  • The exhibition aims to showcase the various works of artists as well as to give due respect to art and artists in the society and the development of art, culture and artists.



  • By participating in the exhibition, artists will get an opportunity to showcase their artwork and their identity.
  • Artists will get the opportunity to sell their artworks.
  • Experienced Artists associated with Artist support and development sector will be given the opportunity to accept different responsibilities as a member of C.F.A.C. exhibition organizing committee for respective events.



  • Artist, Art curator and Art lovers.

2. Art Camp


Analysis of activities –
    • Art camps have been organized in different parts of the country with the initiative of C.F.A.C in collaboration with various organizations. According to different topics in the creative field, many art camps will be organized in different parts of the country every year.
    • The procedure of participating in every art camp will be given on the website of C.F.A.C.
    • C.A.F.C will help the artist in practicing in various art camps initiated by different government and private organizations other than C.F.A.C.



      • C.F.A.C. will organize various art camps to expand the scope of practicing artists, exchange of art style, method and development of the quality of the art.



      • Artists will be given the opportunity to present their artwork by participating in the art camp. Opportunities are being created to create artists' identities and to receive various honors, including the promotion and dissemination of their work.
      • Scope for experienced artists to accept different responsibilities as a member of C.F.A.C.Art Camporganizing committee.



    • Artists, Sponsors

3. Art Workshop


Analysis of activities–

Two types of workshops have been organized here

  • Workshop with art students- These workshops are organized on various topics in the Visual Arts Curriculum with students from approved institutions in CFAC's Institutional Sector.
    For details please see Institutional sector.
  • Workshops with emerging artists – Various workshops will be initiated in different regions of the country with emerging artists on behalf of C.F.A.C.

    The procedure for participating in the mentioned workshop will be given in the website event and news of C.F.A.C. Information on different workshops initiated by various organizations/foundations other than C.F.A.C workshops will also be available at C.F.A.C.’s website under events and news section.



  • These workshops will be organized with the idea of providing special training and practice in different fields of art education.



  • Experienced and qualified artists can join the workshop as instructors.
  • Young artists will be able to take part in workshops for training and practice.



  • Art and crafts students, Young/emerging artists, Experienced and qualified artists



Analysis of activities:

CFAC will offer two types of seminars.

  • Seminars are being organized with the students and parents of CFAC approved institutions in the Institutional Sector. (For details please see Institutional sector.)
  • Organizing Seminars/Talk shows with young /emerging artists
  • Every year C.F.A.C. will be organizing Seminars/Talk shows with young/ emerging artists in a different region of our country. Online seminars/ Talk shows will also be conducted.
  • The link will be provided at the website of C.F.A.C. for participating in the seminar/ Talk show.



  • These seminars will be organized in order to increase the consciousness of the importance of art and culture, awareness and aesthetic concerned with beauty in formation of a beautiful and healthy society with art students, parents, emerging artists and art lovers.



  • Indian Soft-skill/Skilled artists, trainers and educators associated with artist support and development sector can play the role of negotiators in the seminars.
  • Opportunities are being created for students, emerging artists, art lovers, people of the society and parents to become aware of about art & culture at large.



  • Art students, parents, art teachers, emerging artists, art lovers and all people of the society

5.Teachers training program


Analysis of activities:

  • This teacher training program has been organized at the affiliated institutional sector of C.F.A.C. in order to give training to art teachers based on A.T.D. curriculum.



  • The teacher training program has been organized in order to prepare teachers for child-art teaching.



  • Experienced and skilled artists will be able to take the opportunity to train in these activities.
  • Young artists will be able to join the activity and get an opportunity to take the training and teach in various school established or developed by CFAC.



  • Art teachers,young artists, traditional/folk artists, and students.

6. National Art Contest for emerging artists

Analysis of activities:


  • C.F.A.C. organizes the National Art Contest every year. This competition has different steps. The contest will be arranged based on the state, zone and national level.



  • The aim of this arrangement of C.F.A.C. is to honor emerging artists on the basis of skill and creativity.



  • On the basis of their skills, emerging artists have the opportunity to earn various honors including award certificates on the state, zone and national level.
  • Emerging artists have the opportunity to make an identity for themselves in the art world by showcasing their skills.
  • Artists have the opportunity to work as a member of Jury team according to their experience at different levels of this contest (state, zone and national level.)



  • All participating artists.

7. To establish Art studios, Art galleries, Visual/performing art training school and research centers, museums and libraries.

Analysis of activities:


  • Establishing art studios in different regions of the country is one of the principal aims of C.F.A.C.
    This art studio will have all the facilities and infrastructure for artists to do different works of art. Artists will get all kinds of work materials,tools from C.F.A.C. Arrangements have been made for the artists to sell their work by sending it to various art galleries in the country. C.F.A.C is taking various steps to implement this project. Artists will have special benefits through the implementation of this program tomorrow.
    In addition to the artstudio, an initiative has been taken to set up a studio gallery, museum and library.



  • In addition to providing an opportunity to the artist to create artworks, C.F.A.C. will also work through this activity for the economic development of artists and promotion & publicity of their artworks.



  • By establishing art studios, CFAC will provide a special opportunity to the artist todevelop, present and sell their artworks.



  • Painters, sculptors, designers, various artisans and art lovers.

Apart from participating in different activities of this sector the artist or member associated with artist support and development sector has the opportunity to participate and take various responsibilities in activities of other sectors of CFAC based on their skill and experience.

Information Guidance And Counselling Sector



Art & Craft TrainingOpportunity to take responsibility as a teacher.
AssessmentOpportunity to perform different duties of external and examiner for assessment activities
Child Art Competition (Regional & National level)Opportunity to take responsibility as a judge of the jury board.
School Affiliation and monitoringOpportunity to take various responsibilities for these activities
Seminar with students parentsOpportunity to take responsibilities as a Negotiator.
Workshop with studentsOpportunity to take responsibilities as an instructor.

Other sectors and opportunities



Academic sectorAn artist will have the opportunity to benefit from the Academic sectors’ activities.
Information Guidance And Counselling SectorAn artist will have the opportunity to take the responsibility of becoming a guide for the Information Guidance And Counselling Sector’ activities.
Gallery and exhibition sectorAn artist will have the opportunity to sell their arts, crafts, paintings, sculptures and handmade products in the Gallery and exhibition sector
Online art and craft educational program and learning sector.An artist will have the opportunity to become an online instructor.
Awareness activities and advertising sector.An artist will have the opportunity to lead the advertising and marketing sector.